Volunteers are an essential part of the PTO's success! The PTO truly appreciate any amount of help that you can can provide.
At the end of each school year, the Parkland School Districts invites volunteers who have completed 10+ hours of service to its Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. If you would like to receive an invitation, please USE THIS FORM TO RECORD YOUR VOLUNTEER HOURS as you complete them.
IMPORTANT: Most of our volunteer opportunities require parents to have volunteer clearances on file with the school. CLICK HERE for information on how to obtain and submit your clearances.
Each individual who completes and records 10 hours or more of volunteer time over the course of the school year will be invited to the district-wide Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at LCTI (typically held the Friday before Memorial Day). To record your volunteer hours, please use THIS FORM.
Volunteer Opportunities
Each Event listed below has the opportunity to volunteer. We are grateful for any bit of time given. All the up to date volunteer opportunities are on the home page. Look for the Sign Up Genius listings on the left hand side.
Kernsville PTO Event Chairpersons 2024-2025
5th Grade Events........................... Jess Komlos
Auditor............................................ Angie Beidleman
Basket Raffles................................ Kerry DeOlivera
Bingo Night.....................................Ayeisha Evans
Birthday Table................................ Lauren Rummerfield
Book Fair....................................... Sejal Rai and Caelin McGogney
Bulletin Boards..............................
Canvas & Cookies..........................Amanda Deskiewicz
Classroom Coordinator/SUG......... Sara Seipel
Family Fun Day............................... Sara Seipel
Ice Cream Social............................
Kindergarten Orientation............... Sara Seipel
Little Shopper's Shoppe................
Math Ripping.................................. Lucy Paretti
Marquee......................................... Kara Vasilakos
Mom Squad.................................... Hilary Kricun
Night on The Circle........................Angela Rinker
Press Pass......................................
Popsicles and Playtime..................Sara Seipel
Scholarship Selection....................Kerry DeOlivera
Spiritwear.......................................Sara Seipel
Sponsorship Coordinator..............Lucy Paretti
Staff Appreciation Events/Food.... Barbara Bukoski and LeAnne Csencsits
Teacher Liaison..............................Mary Kelly
Trunk or Treat.................................
Walk-A-Thon...................................Sara Seipel
Walking Club................................. Kristina Ray
Yearbook........................................ Amy Perich
Board Positions
President............................. Sara Seipel; president@kernsvillepto.org
Treasurer............................ Elizabeth Wilson; Treasurer@KernsvillePTO.org
VP of Communications...... Kristy Brown; Communications@KernsvillePTO.org
VP of Fundraising............... Kerry DeOliveira; Fundraising@KernsvillePTO.org
VP of Assemblies...............Lauren Rummerfield; Assemblies@KernsvillePTO.org
VP of Hospitality..................Lucy Paretti; hospitality@kernsvillepto.org
Interested in helping out? Email president@kernsvillepto.org